Friday, January 21, 2011

Nothing much to say.

Really not a whole lot to report of things going on in the Horton household. We've been busy, but not too busy. Been lazy when we want to. But we did joing the YMCA and have been working out as a family. I have been loving that. Seeing Shayne work out and really enjoy it has been great. I've been proud of him. I'm taking an Aqua Kickboxing class 2x's a week. That is a lot of fun and an awesome workout for me.
Today is another snow day. I must say that I think the snow is beautiful but I am so done with it now!! And we have more coming Sunday/Monday. Significant snowfall I think!! How many more snow days will we have? Going to school into June will not be good. At least we have several days built into the schedule,but those are almost used up!! I did take pictures of the snowfall but I think Jeff took the camera to work w/ him so this is a boring post w/ no pictures.
I may just head back to my nice warm bed for awhile!! Enjoy your day!!