Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Conference Day

We had Shayne's 2nd trimester conference. I have to admit I was very nervous going in ,but I left pleasantly pleased. He is showing a ton of improvement. Still needs to do more, but things are improving. His main reason for having a low grade was just because he didn't turn in an assignment. He got a big pep talk from his teacher and she praised him and told him she was very proud of his efforts. Overall, it was a good conference. He still has a goal of doing 70% of his work each day which for the past 5 days he's done exceedingly well. He's a very smart kid just needs motivation!! Not staying after school is a great motivation. Keep praying for him...he's still praying too. He's been a different kid the past week, had a great attitude, gotten along with the kids in his room and worked hard. I'm very proud!!

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