Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I feel like I don't have much to write about. We've been going through the motions of life and I feel like we've been pretty busy. Jeff and I are taking a class called Dynamic Marriage and we both have homework everynight so that takes time but I'm enjoying it. I think it will totally be worth it all. I've been working extra hours at the bookstore and still doing preschool so this week I won't get a day off during the week or Saturday either. We're having Shayne's bday party with Jeff's family on Saturday and since I have to work Jeff will be taking control of cleaning and getting everything ready. He's already got a jump start and is doing a great job!!

This is my excitement for the week.....many of you know that Shayne struggles with school. He hates it and doesn't want to do his work. We implemented a new system right before Christmas and he is expected to do at least 55% of his work or he stays after for an hour to work on it. Well, I think he's had 4 days out of the 14 days so far.. Here's the good part...yesterday he did 74% of his work and we were soooo happy. Today was even better 92%!!!!!!!!!! He was so cute when he told me. We were outside and he said he needed to hold onto me so I wouldn't fall over when he told me so he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked up with a smile and said 92!!! The best part is he is excited about it and seems to be getting a desire to work harder to achieve the goal. We have another meeting in the morning and his goal will probably be raised some. I'm just hoping not too much. So anyway, we are very proud of him!!

I'll post pictures after his party.

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