Saturday, April 19, 2008

The week in review

We had a good week. Busy at times but good. Shayne did well in school and did 100% of his work for at least 2 days. He started golf lessons on Thursday afternoon. While we were waiting to start he looked at me and said, "Don't embarrass me Mom I need to make a good impression". So I behaved. But then the pro asked me to drive a golf cart out to the driving range. Ok, never driven one before, a little nervous, Shayne very nervous but I did it and had no problems or embarrassing moments. After golf we rushed home to dinner which Jeff had fixed (thank goodness). Next stop was Boy Scouts. Shayne earned his 1st badge and is now officially at Boy Scout. Friday was a 1/2 day for Shayne so I took that day off. We went to see Nim's Island. It was an enjoyable movie. Not exactly like I thought it would be but I liked it. Then today we went to Rockwood Reservations Conservation area and worked in the stream. Pulling out plants that are not native to Missouri and hurt the habitat of some animals (salmandars, turtles etc) Shayne found a salamandar. He worked a little but explored most of the time. Searching for arrowheads and other treasures. Tomorrow we promised Shayne a game of putt putt. He is really into the golf thing now and thinks putt putt will be good practice. At least the weather is suppose to be nice and warm. Then hopefully we'll get a little rest before the new week begins. 5 weeks and one day left of school. I think I'm ready for it to be over.
I know Shayne is ready. We're hoping to get in lots of mini camping trips this summer. Visiting many state parks and other places too.

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