Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Reindeer Games
Monday, December 24, 2007
A Quilted Christmas
We also had fun playing some reindeer games. More pictures later.
Merry Christmas to All!!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Star's 1st Snow
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Star visits Santa
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Good Thanksgiving
Friday, November 16, 2007
no excitement
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A slow week
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A few more pictures
Monday, November 5, 2007
More Weekend Pictures
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A Country Weekend
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
This year Jeff decided to dress up. He was a fireman and I was his "Damsel in Distress" He borrowed our neighbor uniform and we had a lot of fun with it. We went to the Henley's Open House and enjoyed spending time with friends. Shayne was once again a Delta Force army guy. He and I went around our neighborhood and got lots of candy which we have already seperated so that each of us get our favorites. It was a fun year.
Shayne has lost 2 teeth in 2 days. Last night after the second tooth the tooth fairy ran our of quarters so before he went to be she just handed him a dollar and asked for the tooth. It was so much easier that way. He liked it to since he's knows the tooth fairy is Mom. Hopefully those teeth slow down. I forgot about the molars coming out. This tooth fairy may be broke soon!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
To get you caught up
Shayne went to a Halloween Party Friday night. He is a Delta Force army guy. Jeff and I went to the party also. We had a scavengar hunt which was so much fun. Shayne said it was the best party he had ever been to.
Sunday night was our Fall Festival at church. Jeff and Shayne carved our pumpkin this year and I was so happy that I didn't have to clean guts out of a pumpkin. I hate that job. We had a great time and actually won 2 great door prizes. Shayne won a huge bucket full of halloween snacks and decorations. There was a Mr Potato Head in there that yo
Overall, it was a great weekend. Great weather. Looking forward to Trick or Treating Wednesday night. Happy Halloween.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Zoo
Shayne and I had a day to ourselves today so we decided to hit the zoo. We spent about 2 hours there and then it started raining so we decided to leave. Got a few cute pictures. Shayne is wearing some camoflauge. Says he looks like a vietnam marine guy. The Gorillas were posing today and Shayne is next to a Red Panda in the picture above this one.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Shayne's home
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A Quiet House
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
A cute story
Monday, September 24, 2007
Doggie Graduation
Star passed doggie class with flying colors. We had a lot of fun in the class and meeting new people. Shayne loved showing her off and dressed her up in one of his old shirts for the occasion tonight. Shayne has been sick today and stayed home from school. He's feeling much better now but not 100%. We just didn't have the heart to keep him home tonight. We'll miss our new doggie friends.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Nothing New
We are stressing somewhat with Shayne in school right now. He just doesn't want to do his work. I would appreciate any prayers or advice you could give us. We're working on it with incentives at home but so far that hasn't helped too much. He has good days and bad days. Just needs to have more good right now.
Scouts are in full swing now. I enjoy being a leader. It's my last year since they will move up to Boy Scouts next year. I think Shayne is looking forward to that because he wants to camp a lot. Only thing is he's spoiled with our pop up and sleeping on the ground in a tent is much different.
Nothing else is new in our boring little world. I'm actually feeling blessed by the boring part right now.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
A little tired
Shayne had a harder time at school this week. He just won't do his work. I'm very stressed out about it. We're trying to come up with ideas or incentives to get him working and some days are better than others. Pray for us. 5th grade is a tough adjustment for him.
Shayne, Star and I went to Creve Couer Park today while Jeff played in the Camp golf tournament. Shayne fished and Star did some swimming. The only thing Shayne caught was a very large log which was so tangled in his line I had to help him figure it out. We threw it back in afterwards and Shayne said he caught the biggest fish in the lake, a Logfish. It was a great day to be at the park.
Hope your happy now Ed....I'll try to post new blogs more often.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The past week
Preschool is in full swing now. I have 8 kids in my class and 2 little girls are criers. So most of
the 2 days I have sat at the table with a kid on each knee. Thursday was a little better than Tuesday. Hopefully the tears won't last long. It makes it so difficult to teach. Then on Monday,Wednesday, Friday now I'm working at Bookmark in St Charles. This coming week will
be my 1st week of working 5 days a week. I'm enjoying the bookstore so far. It's hard not to have a pile of things to buy each day but so far I've controlled myself.
The weekend was busy between the Camp garage sale and volleyball tournament. Plus going
to the carnival near Jeff's parents house. The rain put a damper on the carnival but I wasn't sad
about leaving. We love to go though and it's at Jeff's old grade school so he usually sees some
old friends. That's what I love about the Camp stuff too. It was great seeing those special friends from camp!! Nancy sure has worked hard this weekend for camp. Thanks Nancy!!
You rock!!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
A Day at the Fair
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Off to a good start
Our biggest excitement every week lately has been taking Star to doggie training. It's funny to watch all the dogs. Star has made a friend with one dog that sits next to us and sometimes they get in trouble for distracting the rest of the class.
I go back to preschool tuesday to start getting my room ready.
Guess its a good thing that we've had uneventful things. Reading Angie's blog makes me happy for a slow paced life right now.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Shayne's a lego maniac
Shayne has spent a lot of time lately building things with his legos. He amazes me with things he makes. Sometimes he follows directions and sometimes he makes things up. This spaceship was partially done with directions and partially on his own. I love watching him use his imagination and work hard building "masterpieces" Good job Shayne.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
a few more pictures
Where has the summer gone
We've sure had a busy and fun summer. Started out with working at Camp Ne-O-Tez for PreCamp and then taking a short trip to Santa Claus,IN. We loved both. Jeff visited inspirtation point this year for the 1st time at camp. In Indiana we went to Holiday World. Shayne and I rode an awesome roller coaster and lots of other rides. They also had a water park. It is an awesome place and pretty inexpensive if you ever get a change to go there. They have 3 really good wooden roller coasters. Once we were done with our trip then we picked up Star and have enjoyed watching her grow. We've done a few short camping trips and Shayne has spent lots of time playing with friends. Shayne and Jeff were in the 4th of July parade with scouts and a few days later we had a 75th bday party for my mom. That was fun and almost all our family was able to be there (missed you Betit's) Seems like July and August flew by and now school is back in session. Hope all of you are enjoying your summer too. Hopefully the extreme heat stays away!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
1st day of 5th grade
Jeff fixed Shayne belguim waffles for breakfast and we all walked him to the bus. While he was eating breakfast he was starting to get excited about being a 5th grader this year. Unfortunately he had homework on the 1st day...welcome to 5th grade buddy!! Better get him started.
Friday, August 10, 2007
We went camping this week in the horrible heat. Actually Thursday wasn't so bad. We did a 4 mile float trip and then spent the rest of the day swimming in the Meramec River. It was refreshing and didn't feel terribly hot while we were at the river. Shayne had a lot of fun. Floating was his favorite thing. We camped at Onondage Cave State Park and it wasn't too bad. It's a great campground. Star loved the water and spent lots of time swimming and sleeping. She was great.
Only 5 days till Shayne starts school. He is not so happy about it. Preschool called this week and still needs a teacher so I'm going back. Guess that's where God wants me. I do love the kids. So I'll be going back to school also, but not till after Labor Day.
Friday, August 3, 2007
So far, I'm enjoying my day except for the fact that I dropped a can of soda and it exploded all over my kitchen giving extra work today...oh well...go figure!!
Happy 40th today too to my good friend Shelley Ginn. Hope your day is wonderful too!! Love ya!!